Devops - Docker - Cheat Sheets

Docker Commands Cheat Sheet

Certainly! Here’s a Docker cheat sheet that includes some commonly used Docker commands and concepts:

Docker Basics

  • Run a container: docker run <image>
  • Run a container in the background: docker run -d <image>
  • List running containers: docker ps
  • List all containers (including stopped): docker ps -a
  • Stop a running container: docker stop <container_id>
  • Remove a container: docker rm <container_id>
  • Pull an image from Docker Hub: docker pull <image>
  • Search for images on Docker Hub: docker search <image_name>
  • Inspect a container: docker inspect <container_id>
  • View logs from a container: docker logs <container_id>

Docker Images

  • List downloaded images: docker images
  • Remove an image: docker rmi <image_id>
  • Build an image from a Dockerfile: docker build -t <image_name>:<tag> <path_to_Dockerfile>
  • Tag an image: docker tag <source_image>:<source_tag> <target_image>:<target_tag>
  • Push an image to Docker Hub: docker push <image_name>:<tag>

Volumes and Data

  • Create a volume: docker volume create <volume_name>
  • List volumes: docker volume ls
  • Mount a volume when running a container: docker run -v <volume_name>:<container_mount_path> ...
  • Mount a host directory into a container: docker run -v <host_path>:<container_mount_path> ...


  • List Docker networks: docker network ls
  • Create a custom bridge network: docker network create <network_name>
  • Run a container on a specific network: docker run --network=<network_name> ...
  • Expose a port from a container: docker run -p <host_port>:<container_port> ...
  • Link containers together: docker run --link <container_name>:<alias> ...

Docker Compose

  • Start containers defined in a Compose file: docker-compose up
  • Start containers in the background: docker-compose up -d
  • Stop and remove containers defined in a Compose file: docker-compose down
  • Build or rebuild services: docker-compose build
  • List containers started with Compose: docker-compose ps
  • Run a one-off command in a service: docker-compose run <service_name> <command>

This cheat sheet covers some fundamental Docker commands and concepts.

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