Laravel Limiting Chunk Collection: How to Chunk Results from a Custom Query

2023/09/09 Laravel PHP Total 3335 Character,about 10 minute

Laravel Limiting Chunk Collection: How to Chunk Results from a Custom Query

Laravel, the popular PHP framework, offers a plethora of features that make working with databases a breeze. One such feature is the ability to chunk large query results into smaller, more manageable pieces. This comes in handy when dealing with large datasets that could otherwise cause memory issues or performance bottlenecks. In this blog post, we’ll explore the chunk method in Laravel, specifically focusing on how to chunk results from a custom query using the chunk method.

What is Chunking in Laravel?

Chunking is a technique used in Laravel to process large datasets efficiently by breaking them into smaller segments or “chunks.” Instead of retrieving and processing all records at once, you can fetch a specific number of records at a time and process them iteratively. This can significantly reduce memory usage and improve overall performance, especially when dealing with large database tables. Laravel provides several helpful tools for this purpose, and one of them is the chunk and chunkById methods for working with collections of records. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to use these methods effectively with examples and outputs.

Using the chunk Method

The chunk method in Laravel is available on Eloquent query builders and allows you to iterate over a large result set in a memory-efficient way. It accepts two arguments: the number of records to retrieve in each chunk and a callback function to process each chunk of records.

Let’s dive into a step-by-step example of how to use the chunk method in Laravel.

Creating a Custom Query

Now, let’s say we want to retrieve all products from the database where the price is greater than $50. We’ll create a custom query in our Product model:

// app/Product.php

namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Product extends Model
    public function expensiveProducts()
        return $this->where('price', '>', 50);

In this example, the expensiveProducts method defines our custom query.

Chunking the Results

To chunk the results of our custom query, we’ll use the chunk method in a controller or a script. Here’s an example of how to do this:

use App\Product;

public function chunkResults()
    $chunkSize = 100; // Number of records to retrieve in each chunk

        ->chunk($chunkSize, function ($products) {
            foreach ($products as $product) {
                // Process each product here
                echo "Product Name: {$product->name}, Price: {$product->price}<br>";

In this code:

  • We specify a $chunkSize variable to determine the number of records to retrieve in each chunk.
  • We call the expensiveProducts method on the Product model to apply our custom query.
  • We use the chunk method with the $chunkSize and a callback function to process each chunk of records. Inside the callback function, you can perform your desired operations on each product.

Understanding the chunkById Method

The chunkById method is similar to chunk, but it retrieves records using their primary key (usually the id column). This method is helpful when working with ordered datasets or when you need to process records based on their primary key.

$chunkSize = 100;

Model::orderBy('id')->chunkById($chunkSize, function ($records) {
    foreach ($records as $record) {
        // Process each record here

In the example above, we use orderBy to ensure the records are retrieved in order, and chunkById processes them in chunks based on their primary key.


When dealing with large datasets in your Laravel application, the chunk and chunkById methods are powerful tools to help you optimize database operations, allowing you to process records in smaller, manageable chunks. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can easily chunk results from a custom query in Laravel and handle large datasets with ease, while avoiding memory issues and improving overall performance.

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